Troubleshooting Downloads

If you chose to purchase the all-access pass for downloading your resources, you may find that the size of the files makes for a slow download. There is simply a lot of content, and it may take some time to download all these great courses and information. It’s almost entirely dependent on your internet speed.

We recommend you download 1 file at a time and also that you turn off your download manager (if you are using one). In the past, we have had trouble with Firefox. If you are having trouble, you could switch the internet browser you are using.

Tips to try:

  1. If you have an ethernet cable connection available, try using that instead of wifi
  2. Please download only one file at a time and wait for it to complete before downloading the next file
  3. Try not to do heavy bandwidth activities while downloading files. For example, streaming a movie at the same time may disrupt and limit the bandwidth that is available for your download to complete correctly

If you are having continued issues, please go to this site here - and do the following:

  1. Click the big "GO" button
  2. Wait for test to complete for both DOWNLOAD and UPLOAD
  3. Take a screen shot of the results and email us here to see how we can help.

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